Friday, December 2, 2016

Holidays Salvadoran Style

Everyone native to El Salvador knows that Salvadorans know how to throw a big party. More then that, any event were there can be an excuse to throw a party there will be one. This is what has been happening with Christmas and New Years for the last several years. Even though we like to celebrate things the fun way, we are also very traditional and these holiday parties always take place after a night spend in family.

The latest tradition for the last 8 years on Christmas day is to have one of the biggest parties of the year to not only celebrate Christmas but to raise money for a good cause. Since it is very common in my country to celebrate Christmas eve more than Christmas day, he party takes place December 25 from 12 am to 6 am usually in a  fancy venue. The party is fancy and tasteful and all the profits made from the selling of tickets go to a noble cause. The cause changes each year and precious causes have been University scholarships for kids from public school, construction of houses in impoverished zones, and Christmas gifts for those in need.

This party is called Parrandear Para Dar, which translates to Party to Donate, and ever since it started it has been a hit among Salvadoran's society.

Another big party taking place in El Salvador is the New Years Eve party at the beach. This party takes place on the sand on December 30 to welcome the new year with the your friends, on the sand, watching the sunrise. This party is simply to have fun and enjoy the welcoming of a new year having fun. Although not as fancy as the Christmas party, it is as popular as it if not more. 


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